2023-10-26 16:43:38來源:互聯網
spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize
white spirit
Chinese spirits
Hob and nob,Doctor,which do you choose,white or red?
一起干一杯,醫生,白酒還是紅酒?Different form the Westerns, Chinese people like drinking spirit, especially strong drinks of high degrees.
n. 精神;情緒;志氣;烈酒;潮流;靈魂,幽靈
v. 鼓勵;使振作;誘拐
in letter and in spirit
在字面意義和精神實質上|無論形式和實際 the spirit of the law.
法律的實質 It reflects both rebellious spirit and spirit of the common.
adv. 通常,經常;一直,向來
Usually y is a function in math.
X is not a function in math.Used as the usual style for a baron.
男爵用作男爵的常用稱呼。Mothers are usually gentle with their babies.
v. 蒸餾;(使)滴下;提取,提煉
The cool of the night distill the dew.
深夜的寒氣凝成露珠。Wine may be distilled into brandy.
葡萄酒可蒸餾成白蘭地。The liquid distils when heated.
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