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從此的英文怎么說 從此的英文

2023-10-25 10:18:50來源:互聯網



The dyke has since been named The Life-Saver.
從此人們把這堤稱作救命堤。The dyke has since been named The Life-Saver
從此,人們就把這個堤稱作救命堤。The ringleader lent Frank a large sum and has had him in the hollow of his hand ever since.
那流氓頭子借給弗蘭克一大筆錢,從此就把弗蘭克提捏在他手心里任意擺布。She was immured at Windsor, but no more was heard of the Prince of Orange
她從此幽禁在溫莎,但是奧倫治王子卻沒有下文了。Macao"s return will end years of humiliating foreign rule over Chinese land.
澳門的回歸將從此結束外國在中國土地上統治的恥辱年代A preliminary sketch similar in size to the work, such as a fresco, that is to be copied from it.
草圖在尺寸上與成作如一幅壁畫近似的預備性素描,成作要從此草圖臨摩下來。Let the melancholy cloud henceforth dissipate.
讓憂郁的云從此消散。"after that, I studied very hard. "
從此,我學習十分努力。My teacher will be more strict with me from now on.
從此我的老師會更加嚴格。He reach the excess of destitution from which he never rose again

ad. 于是;因此;在那上面

thereupon an idea occurred to the attorney for the crown
這樣,檢察長心生一計。The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon.
騎士拿著繪著十字的盾牌。The knight carry a shield with a cross painted thereupon.
騎士拿著繪著十字的盾牌。He thereupon privately chide his wife for her forwardness in the matter.
于是他私下責備他的妻子,因為她對這種事熱心。The duke thereupon devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one

adv. 從今以后

Let the melancholy cloud henceforth dissipate.
讓憂郁的云從此消散。Henceforth his life would never be the same again.
從今以后他的生活將不再像從前一樣。 Henceforth it will be more difficult to avoid customs examination.
從此以后,避免海關檢查將會更加困難Henceforth, you will take orders only from me-- report only to me.
從今以后,卿只聽從朕的命令——只向朕一人復命。Henceforth my path will not lie through palaces, nor my conversation be with kings.

相關內容: 從此的英文怎么說 尚訓網


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