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否認的英文怎么說 否認的英文

2023-10-23 09:54:35來源:互聯網


declare to be untrue

The President helped out in this particular deception.
總統否認此種謠傳。 They discussed the abnegation of God.
他們討論否認上帝。To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with;disown.
否認,拒絕否認或拒絕任何要求或關聯;斷絕關系We can"t abnegate the fact.
我們不能否認這個事實。I can"t in all honesty (ie if I must be honest)deny it.
我確實不能否認這一點。The visible I in nowise authorizes the thinker to deny the latent I.
有形的我絕不允許思想家否認無形的我。negative pregnant
【律】曖昧的(帶有肯定意味的)否認Negative pregnant
[律]曖昧的(帶有肯定意味的)否認The fashion now is to deprecate the positive contributions of Keynesian economics
否認凱恩斯主義經濟理論的積極貢獻已成為當前的一種時尚。deny that his reclusiveness is some sort of deliberate star trip(bPatricia Bosworth)

v. 宣布;聲明;斷言;申報

This is the declaration.
這是結束局。This is a declaration of guilt.
這是宣判有罪的證明。Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and be formally notified to the depositary

a. 不正確的,不忠實的

Untrue or incredible story;falsehood
不真實的或不可信的事;謊言 An old man"s sayings are seldom untrue
不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前Something untrue that is intentionally represented as true by the narrator.

v. 否定,否認;拒絕給予;節制;戒絕;不承認

To deny;contradict.
否認;反駁 do not deny that is a serious blow.
我不否認那是嚴重的一擊。He denied this to be the case.

相關內容: 否認的英文怎么說 尚訓網


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