2023-10-10 11:02:02來源:互聯網
to safeguard world peace
It follows that opposing superpower hegemony means preserving world peace.
所以,反對超級大國的霸權主義也就是維護世界和平。We stand firmly for the maintenance of world peace, for the relaxation of international tension and for arms reduction.
我們堅決主張維護世界和平,緩和國際緊張局勢,裁減軍備, They united to maintain international peace and security
他們團結起來維護世界和平與安定。First, to safeguard world peace we oppose hegemony.
一句話是反對霸權主義,維護世界和平Oppose hegemonism and safeguard world peace!
反對霸權主義,維護世界和平!We follow a foreign policy of opposing hegemonism and preserving world peace.
我們奉行反對霸權主義、維護世界和平的外交政策。Maintaining world peace concerns all the peace-loving nations.
一切愛好和平的國家都以維護世界和平為己任。May I ask if you would agree (that) we all should contribute to maintain world peace?
請問您是否同意,我們都應為維護世界和平作貢獻?In his lecture Mr.Smith laid great emphasis on the need for world peace.
史密斯先生在演講中強調地指出維護世界和平的必要性。We stand firmly for the maintenance of world peace, for the relaxation of international tension and for arms reduction.
v. 保衛,保護
n. 保衛,保護(措施)
safeguard national independence and state sovereignty
維護民族獨立和國家主權 It is obligatory for everyone to safeguard our motherland.
保衛祖國人人有責。What is the solution to safeguarding competition on the Internet?
n. 世界;宇宙;領域;世人;人世;天體,星球
This may be normal in the physical world, but there is no reason for it in the world of software.
在物理世界這是正常的,但沒有理由在軟件世界也這樣。They wanted to revolutionize the whole world.
他們要在全世界發動革命。That are inexorably shaping the world of tomorrow.
n. 和平;治安;秩序;和約;平靜;和睦
The doctor was at peace.
博士生活得很安寧。a book the length of `War and Peace"
像《戰爭與和平》篇幅那樣長的書 Be vigilant in peace time.
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