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小于的英語怎么說 小于的英文

2023-10-09 09:44:38來源:互聯網


less than

An automobile that is bigger in size than a subcompact but smaller than an intermediate.
小型汽車在尺寸上大于超小型汽車但小于中型汽車的汽車Nitrogen cylinders less than 65 inches long use a frangible disc device.
長度小于65英寸的氮鋼瓶使用易碎盤裝置。7he Karate Kid(1984)
空手道小于(美國影片)A step-down transformer has a turns ratio less than 1
降壓變壓器的匝數比小于1。subatomic physics deals with all entities smaller than the atom
亞原子物理學研究一切小于原子的客體。fractional horsepower motor
小功率電動機(小于一馬力)The jar"s capacity is under three quarts.
這個壇子的容量小于三夸特An acceptable level should be less than 1.5% for short periods of time and less than 1% for steady state.
可接受不平衡程度,短時應小于1.5%,長時間穩態時應小于1%The file containing the character translation table has fewer than 512 bytes.
包含字符轉換表的文件小于512字節。It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.

adj. 較小的,較少的
adv. 較小地,較少地;不如
n. 更少的數(量,額)
prep. 減去;扣除;差...

Men are less arrogant, women less choice.
男人不那么趾高氣揚了,女人也不那么挑三揀四了。As the years went on he opposed her less and less.
隨著歲月的流逝,他對她的反抗越來越少。I could do no less.
這是我起碼要做的。The less you meddle with him the better.
你跟他越少來往越好。Speak less and listen more

conj. 比,比較;與其...(寧愿...);除了...(之外);當,就
prep. 超過

It will be better than you think for.
情況將比你預料的好。This was more than bathroom banter.
這可不僅僅是浴室中開玩笑的話而已。Faith is stronger than reason.
宗教信仰比推理勸說更具威力. Better leave than lack
有余勝過不足Prevention is better than cure

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