2023-10-07 09:49:41來源:互聯網
Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.
表示兩位數的月份January and February are the coldest months in Beijing.
一、二月是北京最寒冷的月份。Allan wants to go to Maderia with me in July.
阿蘭要我在7月份與他一起去馬德里。By August, tests showed her bone marrow was clear of leukemia cells
8月份時,檢查表明她的骨髓明顯有白血病細胞The final examination comes on in July.
期末考試7月份舉行。Days and months of the calendar
年歷的周日和月份Prices jumped in OctoBer.
10月份物價暴漲"It was in April--no, May," he said, correcting himself.
“那是在4月份——不,在5月份。”他改口說。His term of appointment expires in August
n. 月,月份;一個月的時間
month of Sundays
很長的時間 It was a scene which was enacted month after month for these years.
這些年里,那一情況每個月都會發生。Their dictionary was printed last month.
他們的字典已于上個月出版發行。The Democratic primary was held this month.
民主黨候選人初選于本月舉行。 all the months fly by.
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