發布時間:2023-08-31 10:31:08來源:互聯網
We do not know that even the most prolific area is fully stocked with specific forms.
即使是最繁盛的地域,是否已經充滿了物種,我們并不知道。Regional Distribution of WWW Websites in China in 2000-2003
2000-2003年WWW站點地域分布情況So it has preserved Chinese culture in an unbelievably efficient way. The written word has also eliminated space.
因此,漢字保存中國文化的功績,實在是令人難以置信。漢字也超越地域的差異。Flexibility. China, boasting of a vase territory and 56 nationalities, is a country characterized with multi-culture.
要靈活。中國地域遼闊,有五十六個民族,是一個多元文化的國家。The land west of the mountains stretched as far as the eye could see
群山以西的地域一望無際rule of territorial differentiation
地域分異規律"When war begins , hell opens"
戰爭一開始,地域門便開You must notice that trademark is limited by region.
你必須注意商標受地域限制。This area has been zoned as residential.
這個地域已過劃分為住宅區。"Moreover, adjacent to the mainland, Hong Kong has been benefiting from the mainstream Chinese culture."
n. 面積;地區;區域;場地;領域,范圍,方面
This is a drainage area.
這里是排水區。The areas of greater rainfall conform roughly with these forested areas.
降雨量較大地區大致與這些森林地區相符合。The?penalty area?is the rectangular area in front of the goal.
n. 選舉區;行政區;地區,區域
The custom still obtains in districts.
這種風俗在某些地區仍然流行。They are residents of the same electoral district.
他們是同一個選區的居民。They have demolished the slum district.
regional exchange
美國在紐約以外地區的證券交易所 He is an authority in the region of chemistry.
他是化學界的權威。This region is remarkable for its scenery.
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