發布時間:2023-08-09 09:54:07來源:互聯網
ghosts and monsters
the supernatural beings
The ghost resolved itself into a tree.
鬼怪變形成了一棵樹。An ugly, mischievous elf or goblin.
淘氣的妖精丑陋而又頑皮的鬼怪或精靈。The weird figures of the etching haunted my fitful sleep
那幅版畫上鬼怪似的人物形象在我輾轉反側的半睡眠中忽隱忽現。The illusion resolved itself into a tree.
鬼怪變形成了一棵樹。 A hobgoblin,a sprite,or an elf.
淘氣鬼淘氣的妖精、鬼怪或小精靈The house is fabled to have been inhabited by ghosts.
傳說那房子曾住過鬼怪。The ghost story frightened the child.
這個鬼怪故事使孩子十分驚恐。The forest was dark and silent, haunted by shadows and unseen presences.
這個森林黑暗寂靜,經常有幽靈和看不見的鬼怪出沒。If I hear any more about monsters," he said, "I"ll spank you."
n. 鬼;鬼魂;幽靈;可怕的記憶;一點點;重影
v. 替人代筆;悄悄地進行
Give up the ghost
(斷氣,機器停止運轉)神學認為人與靈是可以分離的人死后,靈魂不死,人一死靈魂即離開肉體而去。a creepy ghost story
令人毛骨悚然的鬼故事 "Oh, on! A ghost!"
n. 怪物;巨人,巨獸;殘忍的人
adj. 巨大的,龐大的
The film will be a monster hit.
這部電影將會非常賣座。 They looked like giant monsters.
他們看來象巨大的怪物。Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster.
n. 精神;情緒;志氣;烈酒;潮流;靈魂,幽靈
v. 鼓勵;使振作;誘拐
in letter and in spirit
在字面意義和精神實質上|無論形式和實際 the spirit of the law.
法律的實質 It reflects both rebellious spirit and spirit of the common.
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