發布時間:2023-08-08 11:13:54來源:互聯網
The organization is working to provide clean water and restore electrical power, said Geoffrey Keele, a unicef spokesman
基金會發言人杰弗里?科爾(音譯)說,他們正在致力于恢復供水、供電。Elite: Typewriter types which give 12 characters per inch. Microelite has 15 characters per inch.
伊禮:打字機上的字體,每時容納12個字符。微伊禮每時15個字符。(英文原字義是“精英”的解釋,現作音譯。)Contour is NASA"s second mission dedicated to studying comets.
vt. 字譯,音譯,拼寫
The Chinese name Xi"Shuang"Ban"Na is a transliteration of the original Dai name which means twelve thousand fields
西雙版納,是傣語譯音,意為“十二(西雙)千(版)田(納)”。Duolun Road (formerly named Doulean Road transliteration) is a little street in Shanghai, north of the Sichuanbei Road Trade Area, and south of Lu Xun Park and Hongkou Football Field, with its back to the Inner Ring Viaduct and Jewel Light Track.
n. 字譯,音譯
The Chinese name Xi"Shuang"Ban"Na is a transliteration of the original Dai name which means twelve thousand fields
西雙版納,是傣語譯音,意為“十二(西雙)千(版)田(納)”。Duolun Road (formerly named Doulean Road transliteration) is a little street in Shanghai, north of the Sichuanbei Road Trade Area, and south of Lu Xun Park and Hongkou Football Field, with its back to the Inner Ring Viaduct and Jewel Light Track.
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