發布時間:2024-01-15 09:25:14來源:尚訓網綜合
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課程簡介 | 雅思OMO預備6分班專為雅思4.5分水平的學員設計。該課程重點講解雅思考試需要的詞匯和語法知識,并在此基礎上進一步講解6分段學員需要掌握的聽力、閱讀、口語、寫作基礎題型和知識點,旨在讓學員掌握雅思各科目題型、答題方法,積累相關話題的語言材料,順利拿到目標分數。 |
適用學員 |
Part 1--Work
1.What work do you do?
I am a teacher at a high school. I started there in Jan 2015 after graduating from college. I would say it is a pretty challenging job.
2. Why did you choose to do that type of job?
Teaching is my passion. I don't view my career as a "job" per say. I see it more as my calling in life. It is my life's purpose.
3. Do you like your job?
Definitely! I enjoy the variety and special projects where I can take ownership of the final product. My job provides me with both, so yes, it is a good job and I find it very rewarding.
I'm not interested in my job… because it is so mundane and repetitive, two traits I despise and try to stay away from. I hope to find a better job that challenges me to aspire to new heights.
4. Do you miss being a student?
I definitely do! Sometimes I just wonder what would have happened if I had studied harder when I was in university. I just miss the days when I had nothing to worry about but the exams. Now, all the pressure from work and family is difficult to deal with.
5. Is it very interesting?
Most of the time, yes! The daily challenges from new projects provide constant opportunities to learn new things and to some extent re-invent myself. Every day is unique. My colleagues provide me with support but also healthy competition. I find my job most interesting when I am challenged to reach outside of my comfort zone.
6.Is there any kind of technology you use at work?)
I use mainly a laptop computer and my phone at work. Sometimes I also use a photocopier scanner, and a video camera if I'm making short promotional videos with my company. But mainly, I just use a computer.
7.Can you manage your time well when you work?
Yes, I am a project manager in my office, so I am quite good at managing my time and the other people's time on the team. I've worked as an IT manager for several years now.
8.Who helps you most at work?
My team members – I have a great team and they are all hardworking, supportive, smart and attentive to the needs of others and the project goals.
無錫新航道1對1雅思價格 學校信息:無錫新航道雅思培訓(江大校區) 咨詢電話:
雅思 托福 GRE ACT SAT GMAT 多鄰國英語 AP課程 SSAT OSSD 英語口語 英語四六級 考研英語 職稱日語 商務英語 IB 詞庫 留學 成人英語 A-Level 青少兒英語 AEAS 個人提升 一級建造師 二級建造師 消防工程師 消防設施操作員 造價工程師 安全工程師 建筑九大員 PLC智能制造 監理工程師 應急救援員 BIM 環評師 咨詢工程師 注冊電氣工程師 一級注冊建筑師 二級注冊建筑師 裝配式工程師 智慧建造工程師 智慧消防工程師 公路水運檢測師 EPC工程總承包 碳排放管理師 CFA 初中級經濟師 初級會計師 中級會計師 注冊會計師 ACCA 企業合規師 基金從業 證券從業 稅務師 薪稅師 FRM 會計實操 CQF 高級會計師 CMA 教師資格 養老護理員 家庭教育指導師 法律職業資格考試 心理咨詢師 健康管理師 食品安全管理師 鄉村規劃師 育嬰員 人力資源管理 專利代理師 教師招聘 東方瑞通 火星時代 童程童美 樂博樂博 小碼王 環球雅思 秦漢胡同 美聯英語 新航道 啟德雅思 新通出國留學 達內 高頓 櫻花日語 學大教育