2023-10-11 09:30:06來源:互聯網
Free-market reforms have moved governments everywhere to downsize, deregulate, and privatize.
自由市場改革正促使各地政府縮小規模,解除管制,搞私有化。 The company was privatised with a fanfare of publicity.
公司的私有化搞得沸沸揚揚。He has direct experience of the process of privatisation.
他對私有化過程有著切身體會。Is the trend towards privatization reversible?
私有化趨勢可能逆轉嗎?The current debate about privatization is likely to grow hotter in the coming weeks.
目前這場關於私有化的爭論在未來幾周內可能愈演愈烈。The current debate about privatization is likely to grow hotter in the coming weeks
目前這場關於私有化的爭論在未來幾周內可能愈演愈烈The government"s first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
政府首次實行公司私有化的努力獲得了巨大的成功。Privatization could become a political albatross for the ruling party.
私有化可能會成為該執政黨一個難以擺脫的政治障礙。 It has lurched in recent years from a state-controlled earnestness to a privatized creative wasteland.
【計】 私有化
It"s the private sector, stupid!
是私人部門出了問題,傻瓜!Ignorance is mere privation.
無知是一種純粹的貧乏。 And death is the privation of all awareness.
死亡是對所有意識的剝奪。regional conference on the private sector
私營部門問題區域會議 The project is funded by private enterprise.
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