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坦白說的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-10-11 09:25:11來源:互聯網


Frankly speaking

to be blunt;To be frank
坦白說To put it baldly, if you don"t stop smoking you cannot be cured of the disease
坦白說,假使你不戒煙,這病就治不好。"To be frank, I don"t like you."
"坦白說,我不喜歡你。"She confessed stealing the money.
她坦白說她偷了錢。To put it baldly, if you don"t stop smoking you cannot be cured of the disease.
坦白說,假使你不戒煙,這病就治不好。The police urged the criminal to make a clean breast of everything.
警察督促犯人坦白說出一切。One day the hubby got suspicious and asked, Tell me the truth, dear.Is this third child really mine?
一天,丈夫很懷疑地問:“坦白說,親愛的,老三真的是我的孩子嗎?” Mrs. Jerky: Well, to be quite frank, I"m not so hot, young lady. This morning, my dog got hit by a car.

adv. 坦誠地;坦率地(講)

And it is only fair to tell you frankly that I am fearfully extravagant.
但我向您說實話才對,我一向花錢如水。Frankly I cannot imagine how any manager can afford to get rid of it.
坦率地說我不能想象哪個經理能擺脫得了它。Frankly I can"t imagine how any manager could afford to get rid of it.
坦率地說我不能想象哪個經理能擺脫得了它。She had allowed him up to this point to talk so frankly that he had no expectation of shocking her by this ejaculation.
到現在為止,戴西一直讓他大膽直言,并沒有不快的表示,因此他絲毫沒有料到,剛才他那一聲驚嘆,竟會使她大為震怒。It"s some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing, frankly to do with health and welfare.

v. 談話;說話;提起;會講;…行話;演講;代表;表明;顯示;不言而喻

Don"t speak for your friend, speak for yourself.
不要代表你的朋友發言了,談談你自己的看法吧。Don"t speak for your friend,speak for yourself.
不要代表你的朋友發言了,談談你自己的看法吧。It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently
話講得多是一回事,講得恰當是另一回事He speaks in popular language.
他用通俗的語言講話。She has a direct way of speaking.

相關內容: 坦白說的英文怎么說 尚訓網


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