發布時間:2023-09-01 09:58:14來源:互聯網
A meet reward
合適的報酬A monetary reward
金錢上的報酬remunerative work
有報酬的工作Labor is light where love doth pay.
愛情為報酬,勞苦也輕松。I account myself well paid.
我認為自己得到優厚報酬。He is in a very remunerative job.
他有個報酬高的工作。The minimum wage doesn"t support my lifestyle.
麥當勞給的報酬太低,不能維持我的生活。Interest in banking, is the rate of return, or the return itself, paid to the depositor.
在銀行業務中,利率就是支付給儲戶的收益率或者報酬。a just punishment(reward)
應得的懲罰(報酬) This job pays well.
n. 報答,報酬;酬金;獎賞
v. 報答;酬謝;獎勵
a just punishment(reward)
應得的懲罰(報酬) Virtue is its own reward
施恩莫望報Love is the reward of love
愛別人才會被人愛Poverty is the reward of idleness
貧窮是游手好閑的報應legal deeds are rewarded By happiness.
n. 報酬;工資;償還
A highly remunerative job,post,position,etc
報酬很高的工作、職務、職位等.He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.
All the musicians will be remunerated for their services at the concert.
所有在音樂會上演奏的樂師都將得到酬謝。Refusal to pay remuneration for extending the working hours
(二)拒不支付勞動者延長工作時間工資報酬的The most remunerative growing has shifted from the traditional southeastern producing region to the irrigated lands of the Southwest.
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