發布時間:2023-08-31 10:31:49來源:互聯網
electronic component
All of these eventually led to the later inventions radio and the television and of electronics after them.
所有這些發明最終導致了此后的飛機、電視和其后的電子元器件的發明。Other industrial uses include the production of chemicals, plastics, rubber, metals, and electronic components.
adj. 電子的;電子操縱的
electronic mailbox device for receiving and storing electronic mai
接受、儲存電子郵遞的裝置. Electronic mailbox device for receiving and storing electronic mail
接受、儲存電子郵遞的裝置.Do you have a marine electronic diploma?
你有航海電器執照嗎?stable electron orbit
穩定電子軌道 This is the lithium nucleus plus electron.
n. 構成要素;零件;成分
adj. 組成的;構成的
time change component
定時更換的部件 Create component as new on the descendent.
創建新的派生組件. A computer consists of thousands of components.
電腦由成千上萬個部件組成。These are the component parts of that machine.
這些是那臺機器的零組件。Is a single component analysis sufficient or is it desirable to do a multi-component analysis?
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