發布時間:2023-08-25 09:42:34來源:互聯網
ninth month
The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
每年的農歷九月初九是重陽節。From June to September the Nile rises and submerges the whole valley.
從六月到九月,河水暴漲,淹沒了整個流域.Deliberate September-in its own time and tempo-begins to sum up another summer.
九月,伴著時令,踩著節拍,有備而來,給夏季劃上句號。It was really unfortunate that America was shamed on Sep 11 through the sacrifice of so many innocent lives.
恐怖分子在九月十一日襲擊美國本土,奪走了許多無辜的人的性命,這不幸的事件對美國無疑是奇恥大辱。Mother Teresa was born in macedonian capital of Skopje in 1910, and died in Calcutta in September 1997
德雷莎修女一九一○年誕生于馬其頓首都史高比耶,一九九七年九月在加爾各答辭世。The temperature drops in September.
氣溫在九月間下降。As a rule, our academic year begins early in September.
我們的學年通常在九月初開始。the session 1985-86 1985
年 (九月) 至 1986 年 (六月) 的學年 The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30.
美國政府會計年度法定為九月三十日結束。The school will enroll new students the first week in September.
num. 第九
n. 九分之一
The answer is ten to the ninth power.
答案是10的9次冪。A chord consisting of a root with its third, seventh, and ninth.
九和弦由第三、第七和第九三個基礎音組成的和弦 The score stood tied in the Bottom of the ninth inning.
n. 月,月份;一個月的時間
month of Sundays
很長的時間 It was a scene which was enacted month after month for these years.
這些年里,那一情況每個月都會發生。Their dictionary was printed last month.
n. 九月
The Peace of Ryswick was signed in September 1697.
《里斯維克和約》簽訂于1697年9月。Her son, Jerome, was born in September.
她兒子杰爾姆生于9月。The autumn or winter term start in September.
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