發布時間:2023-08-22 09:39:13來源:互聯網
business; hong
The firm,decided to have a rummage sale to clear out the collection of old stock.
該商行決定舉行清倉大拍賣來推銷掉舊的庫存。The firm will proBably pack up and move northwest.
這家商行可能要停業遷移到西北去了。The bankruptcy of several small firms was the prelude to general economic collapse.
幾家小商行倒閉了,隨之而來的是經濟大蕭條。The firm is drifting towards bankruptcy.
那家商行快要破產了。The firm is a factor.
那家商行是代理商Small firms being swallowed up by giant corporations,ie taken over so that they disappear
被大公司兼并的小商行.The two firms have merged.
這兩家商行合并了。He will face bankruptcy if he fail to pay money which he owes.
由于資金短缺,許多商行破產。The Business failed Because its assets were not so great as its liabilities.
這家商行因資不抵債而倒閉。What "s the word for someone who "s in charge of a business firm ?
n. 商業,交易,生意;公司,商店;事情;職責
Be engaged in; be Busy in
從事于 to sit for business
因公滯留As Busy as a bee
(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的Monkey Business
耍些騙人的把戲、搗鬼depressed business
n. <漢>(中國,日本等的)商行,行,洋行
The policy of Hong Kong people governing Hong will not change.
港人治港的政策不會改變。Hong Kong is a canton of China.
香港是中國的一個行政區。Pilotage is compulsory in Hong Kong waters.
領航在香港水域是強制性的。 Cricket fighting is banned in Hong Kong.
在香港是禁止斗蟋蟀的。China"s takeover of Hong Kong was a historic event.
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