發布時間:2023-08-10 14:29:14來源:互聯網
be born
She comes from a very horsy family
她出生於一個愛馬的家庭They testified that both were sound asleep
她們作證說她們目睹了孩子的出生。The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported.
動物園里小企鵝的出生受到了廣泛的報道。Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent bleeding.
出生后第一周通常要服用維生素K,以防止出血。" I was born on June the first, nineteen seventy-eight. "
我是1978年6月1日出生的。There were 13 actually. There are some ABC in the 13.
總共有13人,其中有些是在美國出生的華人。The stem cells of lymphocytes are in the liver in fetal development and in the bone marrow in postnatal life
淋巴細胞的干細胞,在胎生期來自肝臟,出生后則由骨髓產生。Transferee:Wang Tong,female,was born in1952,residing in Ottawa,Canada.
被轉讓人:王彤,女,1952年出生,住加拿大渥太華。"A person who is deaf when he is born, is usually dumb as well. "
一個人在出生時就耳聾的話,一般他也會是個啞巴。To determine judicially the paternity of(a child born out of wedlock,for example.
adj. 出生的;產生的;天生的
v. [bear] 的過去分詞
Buddy was a born musician.
巴迪有音樂天才。She was born in the fifties.
她生于五十年代。He was born on a Tuesday.
他是在一個星期二出生的。The Burden on likes is cheerfully Borne
愛挑的擔子,就愉快輕松She has borne five children.
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