發布時間:2023-06-12 11:07:24來源:尚訓網
隨著社會越來越發達,大家都選擇在網絡上汲取相關知識內容,比如網絡社交英語口語對話 英語情景對話,為了更好的解答大家的問題,小編也是翻閱整理了相應內容,下面就一起來看一下吧!
Aubrey: What"s up?
Wyatt: Not much. I"m just trying to hook up to the Internet. I"m having a few problems though.
A: What"s wrong?
W: I"ve got all the cords plugged in, but it appears that I"m offline.
A: Are you using dial-up or broadband?
W: Actually, I"ve got a wireless connection.
A: In that case, you need to turn on your airport.
W: I hook up to the Internet every day. I can"t believe I didn"t do that!
A: Do you like ever chat online?
W: No, but I"d like to. Do you have to pay to do instant messaging?
A: Oh, no. You can register for free. Just go to the yahoo website and it will tell you how to do it.
W: What do you do if people want to talk to you online but you don"t want to talk them?
A: Well, you can always block them. When I don"t feel like talking to certain peo online, that"s what I do.
W: What"s your email address? I"ll add you to my contacts list.
A: It"s aubreyinchina@yahoo. com.
W: Cool. We can meet up in a chat room sometime or just chat online using mess en Thanks for your help!
A: Don"t mention it.
W: What"s up?
A: Nothing. a/s/l?
W: 15/m/home. why r u asking me? u know who i am!
A: Just thought i"d try out the new lingo.
W: Lol.
A: IMO this is better than FTF communication.
W: Whyz that?
A: Cuz i don"t have to shower or look presentable 2 talk 2 u online!
W: 101. u r so lazy. but i agree.
A: What r u dom 2 day?
W: Just chatting online with some new friends that i met in a chat room. u?
A: Dunno. BRE.
W: K. r u back?
A: Y, but ive gotta go.
W: No prob. TTYL.
A: Later.
W: Send me a message if u r back online later, so we can chat.
A: Ok. bye!
W: Bye!
Gabrielle: Have you heard about the new iPhone?
Chase: Yes, I heard it"s supposed to come out in June. Are you thinking about getting one?
G: I"d like to. It"s a cell phone, camera, PDA and mp3 player all in one.
C: If I had enough money, I"d buy one, but I don"t even have enough to buy one a their shuffie iPods.
G: How big is a shuffie iPod?
C: The first generation iPod shuffie is about the size of a pack of gum and the secon generation iPod shuffie is about half the size of the irst.
G: How many gigs of music can it hold?
C: I think it"s either one or two gigs. I can"t remember.
G: How much do they cost?
C: Not much at all. I think it"s about 100 dollars.
G: You"re right, that"s not bad at all.
C: Do you have an iPod?
G: I got one for my birthday when they first came out, but after the battery died out. never bought another one.
C: Why didn"t you just buy another battery for it so you could use it?
G: That"s one of the problems with having an iPod. Though an iPod might have an abo average battery life, once the battery is dead, so is your iPod.
C: What are you looking for?
G: I want to buy a new camcorder for my trip this summer.
C: Do you know what camcorder options are available?
G: Not really. I thought I"d just have a look today.
C: Would you like to look at the new digital camcorders that have just come in?
G: Sure. I"d like to see the smallest camcorder that you hav"e first.
C: Ok. This Sony model is their newest and our most popular camcorder. Why don"t you see if you like the way it feels.
G: It"s very light. That would be good. How is the battery life?
C: It"s got an above-average battery life. It lasts up to 12 hours and can be charged in 30 minutes.
G: Can you also take still photos with this?
C: Yes, that is an option.
G: How about night vision? Can you use it in the dark?
C: Yes. I can show you some examples of some footage that was taken with this camera in the dark.
G: That"s not bad at all. How"s the microphone? Does it pick up much sound?
C: It can record any sound that"s within about 8 feet of the camera.
G: How does that compare with other models?
C: There are models that can pick up more sound than this one, but they"re much bigger and heavier than this one.
G: I guess you can"t have everything, can you?
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