發布時間:2023-02-20 17:05:22來源:尚訓網
在生活中,很多人都不知道競爭對手的英文怎么說 參考例句是什么意思,其實他的意思是非常簡單的,下面就是小編搜索到的競爭對手的英文怎么說 參考例句相關的一些知識,我們一起來學習下吧!
We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto the market first
我們趕在競爭對手之前,先把產品推向市場。All Jeff’s hard work is paying off. He’s a leg up on the rest of his competitors.
杰夫的努力是有報答的。他在競爭對手中占了上風。Their competitors are caught napping while they are responding to complex prospect requirements.
他們正在回應復雜的潛在客戶需求,而競爭對手卻措手不及。Contract requirements,competitor analysis,benchmarking, and processes due to statutory or regulatory requirements.
合同要求;競爭對手的分析;水平對比;法律法規要求的過程。China can help counterbalance Pakistan’s arch-rival, India, including in Afghanistan.
中國能幫助制約巴基斯坦的主要競爭對手印度,以及阿富汗。 Everybody wants to do the competitors down.
每個人都想擊敗競爭對手。The competitors jostled with one another for bank loans.
競爭對手為取得銀行貸款相互競爭。We soon knocked over our competitor.
我們很快打敗了我們的競爭對手。He distance all other competiors.
他遠遠超過了其它的競爭對手。She and I are rivals for the swimming prize.
n. 競爭者;參賽者
The competitors were prostrated by the heat.
競賽者們由于天氣炎熱而力不從心。The first prize was possessed to the youngest competitor.
一等獎授給了最年輕的比賽者。 (of a contest) with no competitor who is a certain winner
(指競賽)沒有一個參賽者有必勝把握的。Everybody wants to do the competitors down.
每個人都想擊敗競爭對手。The day after that, the emergence of a new competitor.
n. 對手;反對者
adj. 對立的;敵對的
He dished his opponents.
他挫敗了對手。The government was defeated by the obstructionism of their opponents.
政府受到反對派阻撓而挫敗。The fighters cleaned up on their opponents.
戰士們徹底打敗了他們的敵人。To defeat(a boxing opponent) by a knockout.
擊倒對手通過擊到對方而擊敗(拳擊比賽中的對手) The footballer was cautioned for a foul on an opponent.
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