發布時間:2022-12-29 16:18:37來源:尚訓網
提起刷新的英語怎么說 刷新的英文大家在熟悉不過了,被越來越多的人所熟知,那你知道刷新的英語怎么說 刷新的英文嗎?快來和小編一起去了解一下吧!
Marvelous, Lance from USa has docked 10 seconds to set a new 100-meter world record.
好極了,美國的蘭斯用10秒的成績刷新了100米世界記錄。"Wang lifted 92.5 kg in the snatch, then twice set records in the clean and jerk."
王在抓舉比賽中舉起了92.5公斤,在挺舉比賽中2次刷新世界紀錄。Flush buffers
刷新緩沖區He bettered his last year"s record.
他刷新了他去年的記錄。Collapsed nodes are not refreshed.
折疊的節點不會被刷新。To improve the appearance or condition of;refurbish.
修理好,修補改善…的狀況或條件;刷新Press the "reload" button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version.
點擊網頁瀏覽器上的“刷新”按鈕來刷新頁面,顯示最新的版本。The group policy framework should call the extension in the synchronous foreground policy refresh.
在同步前臺策略刷新時,組策略框架應該調用擴展。Redraw All Views
刷新所有視窗;復位所有視圖;重畫所有視圖To retrieve the latest copy of the list, click Refresh.
v. (使)恢復,消除疲勞;使清新;更新;使想起;補充給養
The lotion cools and refreshes the skin.
潤膚液使皮膚涼爽清新。 I got a refreshment concession.
我獲得了租地設小吃攤的營業權。Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
v. 翻新;刷新
Effectiveness of the Minuteman II Stage III Refurbishment Program
民兵II三級整修計劃的有效性The guest rooms have been refurbished with luxurious carpets and fittings.
客房都重新裝修了舒適的地毯和家具。Since the introduction of the scheme in 1987, 1874 quarters have been refurbished, significantly improving structural conditions and standards.
自該計劃于一九八七年實施以來,已翻新單位共1874個,顯著改善了這些舊單位的結構狀況和房屋質素。 renovate是什么意思:
v. 更新;修復;刷新
To redo;renovate.
改裝;革新 The building leaned before it was renovated.
在修復前,那幢樓傾斜著。The entire fabric of the church needs renovation.
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