2023-10-27 11:03:44來源:互聯網
root的發音和音標: 英音:[ru:t]美音:[rut]
詞形變化 roots rooting rooted 報告問題或瑕疵
1. 詞根
2. 根本,根源,原因;本質;基礎,根柢;【數】根數,根;【語】詞根;根詞
3. (草木,毛發等的)根;根菜,食用菜根;根莖,地下莖;塊根;有根植物,草木,草;根菜類;(山)麓
4. 祖先;【圣】子孫
5. 【樂】和弦基音
1. 〈美俚〉應援,聲援;支持,贊助;歡呼,喝彩
2. (豬等)用鼻子掘(地);搜尋 (for)
3. (使)生根;(使)固定;(使)固著;〈比喻〉深深種下,使根深蒂固
1. 根的;根本的
root and branch adv. 完全(根本地,徹
take root 生根,建立
put down roots vi. 定居(扎根)
root beer n. 根汁汽水,麥根沙士
root for 全力支持,贊助
square root 平方根
cube root n. 立方根
root climber 根攀植物
root crop n. [植] 塊根農作物
root canal n. 牙根管,牙根管填充手術
No root, no fruit.
Who"s been rooting about among my papers?
Money is the root of evil.
The point is fundamental: exceptional monetary and fiscal measures are not the root cause of the danger.
He likes to eat the beet root.
1. the part of a plant that grows under the ground, through which the plant gets water and food
2. the part of a hair, tooth, or nail that is under your skin
3. the place, culture, or family that someone comes from originally; the origins or background of something
4. a basic cause or idea
5. the root of a number is another number that, when multiplied by itself a particular number of times, equals that number. For example, 3 is the square root of 9 and the cube root of 27.
1. to grow roots, or to make a plant grow roots
2. to search for something by putting your hand deep into a place and pushing things around; if an animal roots, it searches for food by pushing with its nose
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