2023-10-19 10:12:20來源:互聯網
nment protection
nmental conservation
An Innovative Prospect for Ecological Mobility in China.
中國環保汽車的創新前景。Of course, the best thing, from both a cost -saving and an environmental point of view, would be not to print at all.
當然,最好的節省成本和環保的方法是不再打印。consumerism in this second sense and environmentalism, both powerful in Western societies, do not coexist comfortably
作為這第二種意思的消費主義與環保主義在西方國家都很有勢力,但二者是不能和睦共存的。Paradoxically, the US is both the birthplace of global environmentalism and the world"s biggest environmental spender
但很矛盾的是,美國既是全球環保主義的誕生地,可又是世界最大的能源消費國。Saving electricity does some good for the environment.
省電對環保有益。It"s hard to cut cost for Green products, green utensil plants close down.
產品環保成本難降環保餐具廠黯然關門Environmentalists are keen on degradable materials.
環保分子特別喜愛能夠自然分解的材料。The year under review saw a decline in the sales of the Group’s environmentally friendly products.
本年度內,集團的環保產品銷量下降Yet there are some signs of green fatigue even in as environmentally minded a place as Germany.
然而即使有和德國一樣環保意識的地方,也流露出一些對環保的倦怠。 Buy from companies with eco-friendly policies; boycott those without.
n. 情況、環境等;自然環境
This material is recyclable and will not pollute the environment.
這種材料是可循環利用的,因而不會污染環境。An environment for creative thinking has to be cultivated.
創意思維的產生,必須具備制造這種風氣的環境。The labs are sealed environments.
n. 保護;防護;保護者;防護物;保護貿易制度
A protective overlay, as for a mattress or furniture.
護套保護性的飾布,如坐墊或家具。a protective case for a knife or sword.
刀或劍上的保護性外殼。 invoke the protection of...
adj. 自然環境的,生態環境的,有關環境的
The environmental impact statement on a construction project must assess the pollution the projects is likely to produce and its impact on the environment and stipulate the preventive and curative measures;
建設項目的環境影響報告書,必須對建設項目產生的污染和對環境的影響作出評價,規定防治措施, Since the publication of its first White Paper on the environment in 1989, the government has moved rapidly and invested large sums of money to correct past environmental abuses and prevent future abuse.
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