發布時間:2023-09-01 09:58:22來源:互聯網
To err is human, to forgive divine. -- A. Pope
失誤人皆有之,而寬恕乃超人之舉。--蒲柏The Winter Palace, indeed, was the crystallization of all of the art that an almost superman race could have fancied
一個近乎超人的民族所能幻想到的一切都薈集于圓明園。Angels are superhuman beings.
天使是超人。One’s talent and ability excel many people
才華超人Having extraordinary strength,powers,or capabilities;superhuman.
超人的具有非凡的力量、威力或能力的;超人Superman is able to leap tall buildings.
超人能跳過高樓。Justice League Injustice for All
超人正義同盟Superb products for ordinary persons
超人產品,常人使用。They classed him as a superman.
他們認為他是個超人。Her intelligence seems almost superhuman.
n. 大圣,超人
Some sought to scale the high walls and catch one last glimpse of the mahatma
有人設法爬過高墻,希望最后看一眼這位圣雄。Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history
n. 超人
They classed him as a superman.
他們認為他是個超人。Superman is able to leap tall buildings.
超人能跳過高樓。In which case, you"re the Superman these kids are waiting for.
那樣的話,你就成為了這些孩子一直在等待的“超人”。Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the superman—a rope over an abyss.——Friedrich W. Nietzsche
人是伸展在禽獸和超人之間的一條繩子——橫在座深淵上面的一條繩子。——尼采The game is introduced: The false supermans in the legend have set out, eh kindness, in the legend, let"s go to even evilness out.
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