發布時間:2023-08-18 10:11:43來源:互聯網
pollutant source
pollution source
Discharge prediction of industrial pollution sources
工業污染源排污預測I was merely pointing out (that) the greatest source of pollution is human beings.
我只是指出,最大的污染源就是人類。Nuisance law proved inadequate to control widespread pollution from multiple sources.
事實證明妨害法不適于控制大范圍的許多污染源的污染。It produces relatively little radioactive fallout or contamination.
它相對來說幾乎不產生放射塵和污染源的。We will display all descriptive and identifying date for each pollutant source
我們列出每個污染源的所有說明性和標準性的數據。All industrial discharge has hit the state limits by May 2000.
工業污染源已于2000年5月全部達到國家排放標準。 The foregoing paragraphs have focused on the feasibility of individual sources complying with emission limitations
前部分集中在個別污染源遵守排放限制的可行性問題上。1.The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet Both national and local standards by the end of 2000.
1.到2000年底,全國所有的工業污染源要達到國家或地方規定的污染物排放標準We will display all descriptive and identifying date for each pollutant source.
我們將列出每個污染源的所有說明性和標準性的數據。Thus total "allowable" emissions of each pollutant must be reduced even though a new source is added
n. 污染物
release (of a pollutant)
排出污染物; 放出污染物 This material is recyclable and will not pollute the environment.
這種材料是可循環利用的,因而不會污染環境。Is the water polluted at source?
n. 來源,出處;原始資料;原因;發源地
They are trying to trace the source of the trouble.
他們正設法找出這件麻煩事的起因。Where is the source of the Nile?
尼羅河發源于何處?Is the water polluted at source?
n. 污染;污染物;污染地區
release (of a pollutant)
排出污染物; 放出污染物 This material is recyclable and will not pollute the environment.
這種材料是可循環利用的,因而不會污染環境。Is the water polluted at source?
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