發布時間:2023-08-15 11:09:26來源:互聯網
A blow, collision, or jolt
碰撞,撞擊或顛簸The frigate rammed the submarine.
護衛艦撞擊了潛艇.To rebound after having struck an object or a surface.
跳,反彈撞擊物體或物體表面后彈回。Bouncing from rock to rock
從一塊巖石撞擊彈回到另一塊巖石。The rapid downward motion of the fuselage is stopped by the impact through the landing gear
起落架與地面的撞擊阻止了機身迅速地向下運動。A shot in billiards in which the cue ball successively strikes two other balls.
連著雙球的一擊打臺球時的一擊,主球接連撞擊兩球A Japanese pilot trained in World War II to make a suicidal crash attack,especially upon a ship.
神風特攻隊隊員日本空軍的飛機駕駛員,第二次世界大戰期間受訓撞擊軍艦進行自殺性攻擊。As the turtle swims across the oceanarium,the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.
當海龜游過水族館時,第一只海豚從上方猛撲下去,并用腹部撞擊龜殼。A collision followed by a rebound.
撞擊彈回撞擊一下再彈開To strike violently;smash.
v. 打擊;砍掉;使受折磨;罷工;感動
n. 擊;罷工;意外成功
strike the flag
降旗表示投降|降旗離職 They striked the flags.
他們降旗投降了。To punch or strike.
n. 打擊;碰撞;成功而風行一時的事物;諷刺
v. 碰撞;達到;打擊;猜對;被…想起;偶然發現;攻擊
That was a hit at me.
那是抨擊我的。Hit the ceiling
暴跳如雷Boxing have is defined as the art of hit without is hit
n. 公羊;攻城槌
v. 猛撞;猛壓;夯實;反復灌輸;迫使
abbr. 隨機存取存儲器
A pet lamb makes a cross ram
寵壞的小羊將成為脾氣壞的大羊He rammed the tobacco into his pipe.
他把煙絲塞進煙斗。A pet lamb makes a cross ram.
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