發布時間:2023-08-08 11:32:14來源:互聯網
In summer people gravitate to the seaside.
夏天的海邊吸引人們。Summered the herd in the south meadow.
夏天在南邊的草地上放羊The end of the high school baseball tournament signals the end of summer.
高中棒球比賽結束時,夏天就要過去了。The bee spend the summer collect nectar and turning it into honey.
蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并將它釀成蜂蜜。He studied the picture, which had been taken in the summer time.
他仔細看夏天照的那張照片。The plan is to launch a pilot program next summer.
計劃是在明年夏天實施一個試驗性方案。 My aunt boards holiday-makers during the summer
夏天,我姑媽為渡假者包飯。Last summer was the wettest on record.
去年夏天是有記錄以來降雨量最大的。Self-employed farmers work from 55 to 60 hours per week during the peak summer months.
自耕農在夏天農忙季節每星期勞動55到60小時。You can have strawberries ~n w~nter if you preserve them in summer.
n. 夏天;夏季;全盛時期;壯年時期
adj. 夏季的
v. 過夏天
They summered at the seashore.
他們在海濱過夏。 Mary spent her last summer in summer school.
瑪麗上個暑假上了暑期學校。The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice.
夏天最熱的日子在夏至之后開始。The Last Rose of Summer
夏天的最后一朵玫瑰Here comes the summer.
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