2023-10-25 10:10:41來源:互聯網
(adj) brawny
a portly,rubicund man of middle age(Winston Churchill.
一個粗壯的紅臉膛中年人(溫斯頓·丘吉爾)。He was a heavy man, broad in the shoulder, thick in the stomach.
他是個粗壯的漢子,肩膀很寬,肚子很胖。 I turned and found a short, stocky man in shirt-sleeves standing behind me.
我轉過頭來,只見一個短胖粗壯、戴著套袖的人站在我的背后。A stocky Build
一個粗壯身材的人Robust hairy social bee always in the place of temperate regions.
溫帶地區粗壯多毛的群居蜜蜂。 robust hairy social bee of temperate regions.
溫帶地區粗壯多毛的群居蜜蜂。 The horse has a strong body, but rather thin legs.
這匹馬的軀干很粗壯,但腿卻很瘦。Having a short,stocky physique.
矮壯的生有矮而粗壯體形的A rugged trapper who spent months in the wilderness.
在曠野中數月的粗壯的捕獸者I suppose there is some matron with beefy forearms
nt 相鄰的,鄰近的
ival 形容詞的
ive 形容詞
ing 毗鄰的
nt 副官,人事行政參謀
bittersweet adj.
又苦又甜的;苦樂參半的 collateral adj.
并行的;附隨的;旁系的 ] colorful adj.
華美的;富有色彩的;有趣的 circumstanced adj.
在...情況下的 maintainable adj.
a. 肌肉結實的,頑強的
That same afternoon the marshal appeared with two brawny assistants
當天下午,警長帶著兩名身強力壯的助手來了。Standing by the bar, in the corner of the room, was a brawny, muscular man, full six in height
屋角上的柜臺前面,站著一個胸脯寬闊,魁梧有力,足有六英尺高的彪形大漢。The brawny red-armed woman whom Winston had seen there on his first visit was almost a fixture in the yard
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