2023-10-11 09:49:21來源:互聯網
twelfth month
DecemBer has turned cold with a vengeance.
十二月已經是透骨寒冷了The days were short, for it was now December.
天短了,因為現在是十二月。The gray wind of December is sweeping down the overhung of the roof
十二月的陰沉沉的風順著房頂吹下來。December 31st is the end of the year.
十二月三十一號是一年的最后一天。December is the twelfth month of the year.
十二月是一年中的第十二個月。Our first child was conceived in March and born in December.
我們第一個孩子是在三月懷胎,在十二月出生。The register had a total of 146220 marks as at December 31, 2001.
截至二零零一年十二月三十一日,注冊記錄冊上共有146220個商標。 In the early morning of December first, the sun was finally warming them all, enough to walk faster.
十二月的第一個清晨,太陽終于讓他們身上暖和點了,可以走的快一些。The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February when the days are long and warm.
學校的主要假期是從十二月中旬到二月初,這時候白天長了,而且也暖和了。Once the busy month of December hits, my excuses for not running flip-flop between no time and no energy.
n. 十二月
December is the twelfth month of the year.
十二月是一年中的第十二個月。In December he was inducted into the army.
12月他應征入伍了。The closing date for entries is December 31.
n. 月的第十二日
adj. 第十二的;十二分之一的
adv. 第十二
It" s November the twelfth.
今天是十一月十二日。December is the twelfth month of the year.
十二月是一年中的第十二個月。During the twelfth century there is little to report.
n. 月,月份;一個月的時間
month of Sundays
很長的時間 It was a scene which was enacted month after month for these years.
這些年里,那一情況每個月都會發生。Their dictionary was printed last month.
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