發布時間:2023-08-24 09:18:40來源:互聯網
labyrinth gland
迂回[曲折,迷宮式]密封蓋Daedalus had designed it at the command of King Minos of Crete. When the Labyrinth was finished, the king was delighted.
這是一座有名的迷宮,宮內通道縱橫交錯、迂回曲折。代達羅斯是奉克里特國王邁諾斯之命設計這座迷宮的。But he was afraid that someone might learn the secret of the maze; so he imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in the towre.
迷宮建成后,國王大喜。但他擔心有人可能會了解宮內秘密,于是就把代達羅斯和伊卡洛斯監禁在這座塔內。The maze is actually two interlocking spirals.
這個迷宮實際上是兩個連鎖的螺旋體。We made our way through a labyrinth of narrow, twisting alleyways.
我們穿越了層層狹窄、曲小巷的迷宮。 An inextricable maze;an inextricable web of deceit.
走不出的迷宮;無法逃脫的圈套Dragon Quest Torneko""s Adventure Advance
特魯尼克大冒險-不可思議的迷宮Trees made the meadow a bowery maze
樹木使草原成了綠蔭處處的迷宮。Her graceful form, arrayed in snowy robes, is whirling through the mazes of the joyous dance;
她舉止優雅,身穿素裝長袍,翩翩起舞于歡樂的迷宮。 I was engulfed in labyrinths of trouble too great to get out at all
n. 迷宮;錯綜復雜的事物
This is a labyrinth of conflicting political and sociological interpretations.
這是一種錯綜復雜、相互矛盾的政治學與社會學詮釋。A legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth.
建筑者估計這個活兒需要。The fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.
內淋巴耳內部膜質內耳中的水樣液I zigzagged down a labyrinth of lanes.
我在迷宮般的小巷中穿行。They wanted to paint a labyrinth world in one of the empty apartments.
n. 迷宮;錯綜復雜;迷惑
v. 使混亂,迷失
A maze of bureaucratic divisions.
混亂的官僚派系 The maze is actually two interlocking spirals.
這個迷宮實際上是兩個連鎖的螺旋體。She was lost in the maze for several hours.
她在迷惑中迷失了好幾個小時。It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics.
從這些錯綜復雜而又相互矛盾的事實和統計數字中很難得出一個結論來。The palace has extensive gardens, a maze, and tennis courts.
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