發布時間:2023-08-16 09:01:09來源:互聯網
ought to
Laws against child abuse should be stiffened up.
反對虐童的法律應該嚴格執行。Ken is a sweet piece of man candy, Debbie has to be told that looks are not everything.
肯就是個甜美的草包美男,我們應該提醒黛比,告訴她外表并不能代表一切。You should pal up with him.
你應該和他交朋友。"She should be all right from the plane"s jolting by now
“飛機震蕩應該過了。You should quit smoking now!
你應該現在就戒煙You should challenge the limit and exceed yourself.
你應該挑戰極限,超越自我。We should meter a flow of water.
我們應該計量下水流。The film shall be a candidate for Oscar.
這部影片應該入圍奧斯卡金像獎。This medicine should counteract the fever
這種藥品應該可以退熱。We should supersede outdated regulations and customs.
v. 應該;大概
aux. 應該;大概
They ought to stop at the pedestrian crossing.
他們該停在人行橫道上。You ought to do your duty.
你應該盡到自己的責任。 He ought, in that event, to have an establishment.
aux.v. 應該,應當;本應,本當;假如,萬一;可能,可以
Should there be a flood, what should we do?
萬一發生水災我們怎么辦?You should do as the law prescribes.
你應該按照法律的規定做。You should consider his youth.
v. 必須,必然要
n. 必須做的事,必不可少的事物
adj. 不可或缺的,必須的
We must act, we must act quickly.
我們必須行動,立即行動。You must synthesise various opinions.
你必須綜合各方面的意見。You must not relax your efforts.
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