發布時間:2023-08-09 09:58:34來源:互聯網
bargain sale
give a discount
To plait or braid.
為…打折或編辮Employees are privileged to buy at a discount.
雇員有打折購買的特權。Employees are privileged to buy at a discount
雇員有打折購買的特權。You"re an amazing bargain hunter!
你真是個打折老手。Providing discounts is not the only way to win custom.
打折并不是招攬顧客的唯一途徑。We are now offering discounts and approval activities.
我們現在提供打折促銷和包退包換活動。Retailers had done a tremendous amount of discounting and marketing.
零售商推出了大量打折和營銷舉措。That store discounted all its unsold merchandice.
那家商店把所有沒賣出的商品打折出售。My aunt is good at bargaining and she always buys things at a discount.
我姑姑擅長討價還價,她買東西總是能夠打折。Their neighbor calls to invite them to go shopping-the Memorial Day sale is on.
n. 打折扣;貼現
v. 打折扣;將…貼現;貼現;漠視,低估,貶損
This is the a banker discount.
這是一筆銀行貼現。discount what he said
不全信他說的話 accept a statement with some discount
n. 減價品,便宜貨;協議;另外,而且,也
v. 討價還價,商討條件
It was a fabulous bargain.
這是一筆極好的買賣。 They considered the possibility of bargaining with the enemy
他們考慮與敵人談判的可能性。Make the best of a Bad Bargain
n. 出售;銷售量;銷售部;特價銷售;銷售活動
Not for sale will be showing.
非賣品都將展出。A pickup in sales.
銷售量好轉 The sale department make an accurate forecast of sale.
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