發布時間:2022-03-17 14:40:59來源:轉載
A marine is a member of an armed force, for example the U.S. Marine Corps or the Royal Marines, who is specially trained for military duties at sea as well as on land. 海軍陸戰隊士兵。那么,marine適合在哪種語境下使用?marine一般翻譯成形容詞海的;海產的;海生的;海船的;貨船的;海上貿易的。名詞(尤指美國或英國皇家)海軍陸戰隊士兵。
marine environment 海洋環境
marine engineering 輪機工程;船舶工程
marine insurance 海上保險
marine diesel 船用柴油機
marine industry n. 海洋經濟產業,水產業
marine biology 海洋生物學
marine transportation 海上運輸
marine diesel engine 船用柴油機
a soldier who serves both on shipboard and on land
native to or inhabiting the sea
marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales
relating to or characteristic of or occurring on or in the sea
of or relating to the sea
marine explorations
of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea (specifically the U.S. Marine Corps)
marine barracks
relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
nautical charts
maritime law
marine insurance
nautical maritime
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