War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy 《戰爭與和平》列夫·托爾斯泰
It is Tolstoy’s most famous work, with the exception of
Anna Karenina. The Petersburg party crowd is made up of privileged persons with deep psychological and family issues, while the Moscow families are beset with debt but in better emotional states. Readers who don’t shy away from political, philosophical, or religious topics of all kinds will be fascinated by Tolstoy’s grasp of Napoleonic historical forces mixed with changeable but fascinating human individuals. 除了《安娜·卡列尼娜》,這是列夫·托爾斯泰最著名的作品。彼得堡黨由帶有嚴重心理或者家庭問題的窮人組成,莫斯科人雖受債務困擾然卻積極樂觀。不回避各種政治,哲學或者宗教問題的讀者會被托爾斯泰對拿破侖歷史遺留力量的描寫深深吸引,這些都與多變但卻吸引人的個人描寫交織在一起。
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy 《安娜·卡列尼娜》列夫·托爾斯泰
More humanly centered than his other well-known work,
War and Peace, Tolstoy makes it clear that life is far too complicated for easy handouts of mercy or judgment. The novel begins with a case of family brokenness and adultery, and sympathy is geared mostly toward the malefactor. As the story unfolds, the dark sides of the likable siblings appear, who are outwardly accepted by society in the face of moral betrayal. The contrast between Anna, who runs away with her lover Vronsky, and Lenin (who marries Vronsky"s former romantic interest), is especially worth reading.跟他的另一部作品《戰爭與和平》相比,這部作品更加以人為中心。托爾斯泰在書中闡明了他的觀點,對于那些仁慈的或者審判的小冊子而言,生活更加復雜。小說以家庭的破碎和通奸開場,同情心偏向作惡之人。可愛的姐妹倆面對道德上的背叛表面上為社會所接受,當故事情節層層展開,她們黑暗的一面暴露出來。 安娜與渥夫斯基私奔,列寧與渥夫斯基的前任結婚,其中安娜與列寧之間的對比很值得一讀。
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert 《包法利夫人》居斯塔夫·福樓拜
The tale of Emma Bovary lies somewhere between a cautionary tale of Victorian anti-womanhood, Bohemian ideals, and a George Bernard Shaw warning against middle-class morality. Flaubert doesn"t trouble to make his female protagonist a relatable person; the focus lies more on an examination of a thoroughly self-centered woman who has an astonishing lack of judgment. The despair and affairs brought on by boredom, and the resulting financial misery accompanying mounds of debt, are a much more graphic portrayal than any Thomas Hardy novel, and Flaubert never forgave his countrymen for putting him on trial for violating public morals.愛瑪·包法利的故事介于維多利亞時代的反女性主義、波希米亞理想和喬治·蕭伯納對中產階級道德的警告之間。福樓拜不愿讓他的女主人公成為一個跟別人有共鳴的人;他的重點在于對一個完全以自我為中心的女人的考驗,她極度缺乏判斷力。厭倦帶來的絕望和婚外情,以及隨之而來的財政痛苦,比任何托馬斯·哈代的小說都要生動得多,福樓拜從來沒有原諒他的同胞因為違反公共道德而審判他。
Sketches from a Hunter"s Album by Ivan Turgenev 《獵人筆記》伊萬·屠格涅夫
Those who love the
Hunger Games series won’t be disappointed by this Russia classic. These 25 real-life observations of Turgenev include the human landscape, from peasants to mothers and doctors, in their struggle for existence and poetic depictions of sorrow. In the end, his insights of beauty and sorrow led to the hunter becoming hunted by the state, although rumor has it that these tales also led to the abolition of the serf classes’ misery.?那些喜歡《饑餓游戲》系列的人不會對這部俄羅斯經典影片感到失望。這25個真實的屠格涅夫的觀測包括許多人類景觀,在他們為生存奮斗以及對悲傷的詩意描述中,有農民,有母親,還有醫生。最后,雖然他對美麗和悲傷的洞察使獵人受到國家的追捕,但是也有傳言說這些故事促進了奴隸制的廢除,使奴隸的痛苦得到緩解。
The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky《卡拉瑪佐夫兄弟》杜斯妥也夫斯基
This is one of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia. Each character is representative of one of the ruling classes. There is the father Fyodor, the landowner who is negligent about his land, but greedy in using its produce for himself. There"s Dmitri, who has been passed around from house to house, and has grown up an entitled but debt-ridden soul. There"s the skeptic Ivan, who wishes to live more among cold concepts than people. Alyosha, is the mystic and religious peacemaker, and the illegitimate Smerdyakov. Throughout are themes of love, law, and duty, which makes this one of the best Dostoyevsky books to read besides Crime and Punishment. 這是最好的諷喻類小說之一,闡釋了19世紀俄國支離破碎的本質。每一個人物都代表著一個統治階級。父親費奧多是一個地主,他對土地的態度很隨便,但是卻貪婪地利用它為自己生產。德米特里,他已經從一個房子轉到另一個房子,他長大了很有權力但靈魂卻負債累累。伊萬是一個懷疑論者,他希望在冰冷的思想里活得比其他人更久一點。阿廖沙,他是一個神秘主義者和宗教和平者。卡拉馬佐夫兄弟是私生子。
Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann 《布登勃洛克一家》托馬斯·曼
A similarity to
The Forsyte Saga could be traced to Mann"s work of fiction; both depict multiple generations of a wealthy family experiencing a slow decline, and both families move through spiritual and mental instability. However, these German traders show more humor and less of a dependence on art and music as saving graces. Mann received the 1929 Nobel Prize for his literary efforts. 和《福爾賽世家》很像的作品可以追溯到曼的作品;這兩者都描繪了一個富裕家庭的幾代人經歷的緩慢的衰退,他們的家族都經歷了精神和精神上的不穩定。然而,這些德國商人表現出更多的幽默感,他們很少依賴于藝術和音樂并把它們作為儲蓄。1929年,曼因其在文學上的努力而獲得諾貝爾文學獎。
Far Away and Long Ago by W.H. Hudson 《遠方與往昔》威廉·亨利·哈德遜
Readers who long for bird sanctuaries and decry the desire for smokestacks in cities will resonate with Hudson’s lament over South America. Later on in life, the author became an ornithologist and became friends with novelist Joseph Conrad, but this book is a reflection of his childhood memories of Argentina and the strong lure of nature. Depictions of family life are few, and saved for the last chapters.長期以來,人們一直渴望一個鳥類保護區并且譴責在城市里吸煙的欲望,這與哈德遜對南美洲的悲嘆產生共鳴。在后來的生活里,作者變成一個鳥類保護者并且與小說家約瑟夫·康拉德成為朋友,但是在這本書中他回憶了童年在阿根廷的時光以及大自然對他的強烈誘惑。對家庭生活的描述很少,只保留在最后幾章。
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 《哈克貝利·費恩歷險記》馬克·吐溫
While Twain’s other classic (Tom Sawyer) is known for the chapter on the joys of fence-painting,
Huck Finn is known for his friendship with an escaped slave and enmity with the Widow Douglas who adopts him. Being an enterprising and adventurous soul, Huck manufactures his own death to throw his drunken father off the scent of discovered treasure. While on the run down the Mississippi River, Huck discovers a different sort of life on boats; the work also appealed to Ernest Hemingway and the American public, who ignored initial critical reviews.? 馬克·吐溫的另一部經典之作中湯姆·索亞因其對壁畫的樂趣而聞名,而哈克·費恩以他與逃跑黑奴的友誼以及他對收養他的寡婦道格拉斯的憎恨聞名。擁有一個進取和冒險的靈魂,哈克制造了自己的死亡從而使他的醉鬼父親遠離已經發現了的寶藏。當沿著密西西比河河順流而下的時候,哈克在船上經歷著一種不同的生活。這本書也吸引著歐內斯特·海明威和廣大美國群眾,使他們忽略了最初的批評性評論。
The Red and the Black by Stendhal 《紅與黑》司湯達
This anti-society novel begins rather strangely, with a depiction of a carpenter’s son who believes himself duty-bound to create a love affair with the local mayor’s wife. After quite a few social gaffes and run-ins, Julien finally comes to the realization that he needs to drop the masks that plague his life and escape the desert of selfishness. However, he’s too late to escape the fate of the noose he’s placed around his own neck, despite the fact that he realizes his social ambitions before he dies.?這部反社會小說的開頭很奇怪,描寫的是一個木匠的兒子,他認為自己有責任與當地市長的妻子建立愛情關系。在公眾場合多次失禮和爭論后,朱利安終于意識到,他需要放下那些折磨他的面具,逃離自私的沙漠。然而,盡管他在去世前意識到了自己的社會抱負,他已經來不及逃脫已經束縛著他的命運了。
Dubliners by James Joyce《都柏林人》詹姆斯·喬伊斯
Most readers know that Joyce experimented with form in his novels, but it"s no
Ulysses, though Joyce kept to his classic themes of disaffection with social and spiritual forces beyond the invididual. The story of high schoolers Eveline and Jimmy, their hopes and dreams of the future, could help young adults to identify with the characters in this string of short stories.喬伊斯一直堅持他的經典主題,即超越個人對社會和精神力量的不滿,但是大多數人知道他卻是因為他在小說形式上的創新,但是這里指的并不是《尤利西斯》。故事講的是高中生伊芙琳和吉米,他們未來的希望和夢想可以幫助年輕人向這一系列短篇故事中的人物看齊。