2023-10-24 10:16:23來源:互聯網
n. tour conductor; tour guide
v. conduct a tour
Work as a courier
當導游Licensed tourist guide
持證導游You will be contacted by the tour conductor.
導游會跟你聯絡。The guide flashed a light into the cave.
導游用手電筒照射洞穴。said the cicerone to the coachman, and the carriage drove rapidly on
導游對車夫說,馬車疾駛而去。The tourists stepped out of the coach,armed to the teeth with cameras,binoculars,and guidebooks.
旅客們從旅游車里出來,人人都帶著照相機、望遠鏡,還有導游書。A cluster of tourists are waiting for their tour guide.
一群游客正在等他們的導游。Contact the tour conductor for any question.
任何問題都跟導游聯絡。Tour fee inclusive: transportation, refreshment and guide.
團費包括交通費、茶點及導游。In Taiwan a touring guide can make a lot of money.
n. 巡回演出;旅行
v. 巡回演出;旅行
It was a sightseeing tour.
這是一次觀光旅行。I conduct tours.
我當旅游向導。We toured the streets of Milan.
n. 指揮;領導者;列車員;導體
He"s the conductor of an expedition.
他是遠征隊隊長。The conductor signaled the orchestra to rise.
指揮打手勢讓樂隊起立。The conductor shambled to the next carriage.
v. 引導;引路;帶領;操縱;影響;指導
n. 向導;導游;指導者;指導原則;準則;指南;入門書
To be guided by destiny
聽天由命Reason be the guide and light of life .
理性是人生的燈塔。 control lever guide collar
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