2023-10-12 10:40:56來源:互聯網
Coral Sea
Spruance had been bemoaning the way they had missed the Coral Sea battle
斯普魯恩斯對他們沒有趕上參加珊瑚海之戰一事表示惋惜。A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea.
巴布亞灣珊瑚海的一個位于新幾內亞東南岸的大海灣。Cape York Peninsula:a peninsula of northeast australia between the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea.
n. 珊瑚;珊瑚蟲;珊瑚色,橘紅色
adj. 珊瑚的;珊瑚制的;珊瑚色的,橘紅色的
It is reported that the coral reefs are being destroyed
據報道,珊瑚礁正遭受破壞。It is reported that the coral reefs are being destroyed.
據報道,珊瑚礁正遭受破壞。Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.
珊瑚是由某些水螅體構成的。The storm track appears in shades of peach, coral, and red.
風暴路徑以桃紅色、珊瑚色和紅色標記。Others are merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris.
n. 海,海洋;大量,茫茫一片
Beyond the seas
在國外,在海外He adventured on a unknown seas.
他冒險駛入陌生的海域。White breast of the dim sea.
朦朧的海洋那雪白的胸脯。 The sea washes the base of the cliffs.
海水沖擊懸崖的底部。The air by the sea is pure and healthy.
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