發布時間:2023-08-30 10:06:08來源:互聯網
as good as wheat
very good
He was in a very good temper.
他當時心情非常好。We have very nice braised assorted vegetables.
我們這里的素什錦非常好。The day held up wonderfully, in spite of lowering clouds
盡管云層很低,但天氣仍然非常好。Phanerochaete chrysosporium: A Wood-Degrading Fungus with a Voracious Appetite
Phanerochaete chrysosporium白色腐敗菌:胃口非常好的木質降解真菌Cooky has great challenges and opportunities still at the Geelong footy club.
在吉朗的澳式足球會里,庫奇仍有非常好的發展前景同時也面臨巨大的挑戰。Bloody well right
非常好damn good, clever, etc
非常好、 聰明等 It"s bloody wonderful!
就是非常好!How is it going? Pretty good!
事情進展的如何?非常好!The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.
adj. 好的;令人滿意的;愉快的;仁慈的
n. 好處;利益;有道德的人或事
adv. 好
A good appetite is a good sauce
饑不擇食The prompt goods have good qualities.
當場付款的物品質量不錯。Be not simply good; be good for something.
n. 小麥
We bagged the wheat.
我們把小麥裝入口袋。Their firm has cornered the wheat market.
他們的公司壟斷了小麥市場。 glean (stray ears of) wheat
n. 絕頂,最高
a. 最高的,極好的
ad. 非常好
His work is going along tip-top.
他的工作進展得非常順利。A great big wish that you’ll soon be back in tip-top condition.
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