發布時間:2023-08-25 09:26:46來源:互聯網
the sport of weightlifting
I often go to a gym for a workout. Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles, won"t it?
我經常去體操館鍛煉。舉重可以鍛煉手臂和肩膀的肌肉,不是嗎?Lifting tackle
舉重滑車He"s good at lifting weights.
他善于舉重。He looks much too skinny/scrawny to be a weight-lifter.
他瘦骨嶙峋的,當不了舉重運動員.Team member should register to the gym to participate in the weight lifting training.
隊員應到健身房報到參加舉重訓練。My muscles are sore from lifting weights.
我的肌肉因為舉重而感到酸痛。Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.
舉重能使手臂和肩部的肌肉發達。The weight lifter maxed out at 180 kilograms.
舉重運動員使出了最大力量舉起180公斤。They like climbing, running, diving, swimming, lifting, jumping, and so on.
他們喜歡登山、賽跑、潛水、游泳、舉重及跳高等。For the best results, you should alternate between yoga and weightlifting every other day.
n. 體育運動
v. 故意顯示;引人注目地穿戴;嬉戲
sports decisiveness
運動果斷性 It was very sporting of you [You were very sporting] to keep it a secret.
你守住該秘密,很有運動員的風度[是承擔一定的風險的]。junior sports development
青少年體育發展 Good night, old sport.
晚安,老兄。She excels at sport.
n. 【體】舉重
Eight were weightlifters using anabolic steroids.
其中有八人是舉重選手,被發現服用同化類固醇。He looks much too skinny/scrawny to be a weight-lifter.
他瘦骨嶙峋的,當不了舉重運動員.For the best results, you should alternate between yoga and weightlifting every other day.
為了達到最佳效果,你應該每隔一天交替練習瑜伽和舉重。Many of the Chinese medals were won in diving and gymnastics and also in events such as weightlifting and shooting.
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