發布時間:2023-08-25 09:25:11來源:互聯網
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來源節點What is the origin of pelagic oozes?
遠洋軟泥的來源是什么?and (b) to serve as an important source of revenue for the treasury of the central government
及(b)作為中央政府財政的重要來源。They are abundant, widely available, and inexpensive.
它們含量豐富,來源廣泛,且價格便宜。A source of harassment,annoyance,or pain.
使人痛苦的東西騷擾,煩惱或痛苦的來源a dependable source of electrical power, material-handling equipment
可靠的電力和物質處理設備來源Some nuts are sources of oil or fat.
某些堅果為油或食用油的來源。Incomplete combustion is the principal source of man-made carcinogens.
不完全燃燒是人為致癌物的主要來源。These low- budget scary movies are the main sorts of income of this production company.
這些低成本的恐怖片是這家制作公司的主要收入來源。These low- budget scary movies are the main sorts of income of this production company.
n. 來源,出處;原始資料;原因;發源地
They are trying to trace the source of the trouble.
他們正設法找出這件麻煩事的起因。Where is the source of the Nile?
尼羅河發源于何處?Is the water polluted at source?
河水是在源頭受到污染的嗎?We understand that sourcing is not static.
我們明白采購不是一成不變的。 Religion is not the only source of division.
n. 起源;出身;原點;起端
a person with an original
有創作頭腦的人 It was edited from the original text.
這是根據原文本編譯的。a Spanish rendering of the original Arabic
阿拉伯文的西班牙文譯文. Golde Meir was an original.
果爾達·梅尼是一個有獨創性的人。Little of the original architecture remains.
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