發布時間:2023-08-24 09:18:14來源:互聯網
I want to buy auto oil filter. please with contact us.
我們需要求購汽車機油濾清器,請盡快與我們聯系。Marital ties
婚姻聯系Linking verb
聯系動詞A link verB
聯系動詞Lose track of; lose trace of
失去聯系;沒有..的訊息To associate with others; keep company.
與他人聯系,陪伴To communicate with or send communications by wireless.
用無線電發送或聯系用無線電報或電話聯系或發送消息 For more information,contact our customer service desk
詳情請和顧客服務處聯系。This newspaper announcement is tied into the radio program.
這則報紙告示與廣播節目有聯系。The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world.
n. 透視圖;觀點;洞察力;遠景
adj. 透視的
perspective anomaly
透視近點角 She has a great perspective on marriage.
關于婚姻生活,她的觀點確實非常有意義。 We are attracted by the perspective.
我們被這一景色吸引住了。 It was the start of modern perspective painting.
這是現代透視圖的開端。Try to keep these issues in perspective.
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