發布時間:2023-08-24 09:16:34來源:互聯網
One of my grad students complained about the dearth of electives, but a classmate countered,Of course we have electives.
我的一位研究生埋怨選修課太少,而他的一個同學就反駁說:“我們當然有選修課。”The colonel launched a volley of oaths, denouncing the railway company and the conductor
上校于是破口大罵,一會兒埋怨公司不好,一會兒又責備列車員不對。learn it"s no use blaming other people
認識到埋怨別人是沒有用的 To talk idly;chatter.
埋怨口出怨言;喋喋不休She complained of his carelessness.
她埋怨他粗枝大葉。An insufferable grumbler
一個令人受不了的埋怨者He complained about being constantly doorstepped by the press.
他埋怨經常被上門的記者糾纏不休。Rap out a complaint.
尖銳地說出埋怨之詞A bad workman quarrels with tools. ——Gelli
拙劣的工匠埋怨他的工具。——格里Bad workmen blame their tools.
v. 抱怨,發牢騷;控訴;投訴
A chronic, whining complainer.
發牢騷的人老是嘀嘀咕咕抱怨的人 I shall complain to the management.
我要找管理人員去提意見。He did nothing but complain.
他除了抱怨以外,什么也沒做。I have nothing to complain of
我沒什么可抱怨的。To complain of something against a person
v. 指摘,責備;責怪
n. 責任
You have no cause to blame him.
你沒有理由指責他。He"s not to blame for this.
這事怪不得他。Can the jumping man be blamed?
能指責這個縱身跳躍的人嗎?The quarterback was blamed for the fumble.
四分衛因漏接被責怪。She is in no way to blame.
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