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2020年商務英語備考 商務英語精選常用短語

2020-01-02 15:54:38來源:尚觀培訓網綜合


如果你被形容為 take to something like duck to water, 意思就是在你第一次嘗試做某件事情時發現自己非常上手,做得很棒。

China's Ye Shiwen stormed to gold and set a new world record in the women's 400m medley with a time of 4 minutes 28.43 seconds at the Aquatics Centre. The 16-year-old took a second off Australian defending champion Stephanie Rice's record set at Beijing 2008. American Elizabeth Beisel won silver and China's Li Xuanxu won bronze.

中國游泳小將葉詩文在奧運游泳館里以4分28.43秒的成績奪得女子400米混合泳的金牌并打破世界紀錄。這位年僅16歲的小姑娘把澳大利亞前奧運冠軍 Stephanie Rice 在2008年北京奧運創下的紀錄縮短了1秒。美國游泳健將 Elizabeth Beisel 位居第二,另一名中國游泳小將李玄旭獲得銅牌。


He took to golf like a duck to water. He'd never played before but hit a hole in one!

Kate never seemed like the mothering type but when her daughter was born she took to it like a duck to water. She was a real natural!


另一個短語 a sitting duck 意思是容易成為被攻擊的目標。

Example: The soldiers were left exposed on the hill. They really were sitting ducks for the enemy.

在體育比賽里經常會聽到 to be under starter's orders 這個短語,意思是待發起跑令。


The athletes have been waiting for this moment for years. They're under starter's orders. And they're off!

It was only a second or two but the runners seemed to be under starter's orders for hours before the pistol was fired.


Under arms 意思是出于備戰狀態中,隨時準備作戰。

Example: The rebels were under arms and an attack was just a matter of time.

204 nations will be taking part in the London 2012 Olympics with about 10,500 athletes participating in the competition. There will be 302 events in 26 different sports. This is the third time London has hosted the games. The first time was 1908 and the second in 1948.

將有204個國家前來參加2012年倫敦奧運會,參賽的運動員人數大約為10,500 人。本次的倫敦奧運將有26個賽項,302場比賽。這是倫敦第三次主辦奧運會,第一次為1908年,第二次為1948年。

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