2019-12-18 15:58:33來源:尚觀培訓網綜合
t time; temperature 時間;溫度
T. ton; tare 噸;包裝重量,皮重
TA telegraphic address=cable address 電報掛號
TA total asset 全部資產,資產
TA trade acceptance 商業承兌票據
TA transfer agent 過戶轉賬代理人
TAB tax anticipation bill (美國)預期抵稅國庫券
TACPF tied aid capital projects fund 援助聯系的資本項目基金
TAF tied aid financing 援助性融資
TAL traffic and accident loss (保險)交通和意外事故損失
TAT truck-air-truck 陸空聯運
TB treasury bond, treasury bill 國庫券,國庫債券
T.B. trial balance 試算表
t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排
t.b.d. to be determined 待(決定)
TBD policy to be declared policy 預保單,待報保險單
TBL through bill of lading 聯運提單,直達提單
TBV trust borrower vehicle 信托借款人工具(公司)
TBW Thompson Bankwatch, a rating agent 托馬遜銀行評估公司
TC tariff circular 關稅通報
TC telegraph collation 校對電報
T.C. traveler's check 旅行支票
TCI trade credit insurance 貿易信用保險
TCIC technical credit insurance consultants 技術信用保險顧問
TCM traditional Chinese medicine 中國傳統醫學,中醫
TD time deposit 定期存款
TD Treasury Department (美國)財政部
TDA Trade Development Authority 貿易發展當局
TDC technical development corporation 技術開發公司
TDC Trade Development Council (香港)貿易發展局
TDR Treasury Deposit Receipt 國庫券存據
Tech technical 技術的
Tel. telephone number 電話號碼
telecom telecommunications 通訊
temp temperature; temporary (secretary) 溫度;臨時(秘書)
TESSA Tax Exempt Special Savings Account 免稅特別儲蓄帳戶
TEU twenty-foot-equipment unit (貨柜、集裝箱)20英尺當量單位
TF trade finance 貿易融資
t.f. till forbid 直到取消為止
tgm. telegram 電報
three T's type, terms, technique 交易三要素,即交易類型,交易條件,銷售技術
thro., thru. through 經由,通過
Thu. Thursday 星期四
TIP to insure promptness 確保迅速
TIR carnet Transports Internationaux Routier (法國)國際公路運輸證
tks. thanks 致謝,感謝
tkt ticket 票
TL time loan; total loss; trade-last 定期貸款;總損失;最后交易
TLO, T.L.O. total loss only=free from/of all average 全損賠償險
TLX telex=teleprinter/teletypewriter exchange 電傳
TM trademark 商標
TM telegram with multiple addresses 分送電報
TMA Terminal Market Association 最終市場協會
TMO telegraph money order 電匯單
TN treasury note 國庫券
TNC transnational/multinational company 跨國公司
TOD time of delivery 發貨時間
Tonn. tonnage 噸位(數)
TOP Trade Opportunities Program (美國)貿易機會計劃
T.O.P. turn over, please 請翻轉
TPM total productive maintenance 總生產維修(護)制
TPND theft, pilerage, and non-delivery 偷竊及不能送達險