發布時間:2023-08-24 09:13:21來源:互聯網
Tom was cleared out of the inn, bag and baggage.
湯姆連同他隨身帶的行李一起被趕出了旅社。He boards at the hotel.
他寄膳于旅社The name of the hotel was The Grand Eurasian Hotel.
旅館名叫“歐亞大旅社”。The name of the hotel vas "The Grand Eurasian Hotel."
旅館名叫“歐亞大旅社”。I want the Red Lion Hotel.
我要去紅獅旅社。There"s a job at the New Asia Hotel.
新亞旅社有一份工作。"What a dump!" Christabel said, standing in the doorway of the youth hostel.
“真夠臟亂的!”克麗絲特布爾站在青年旅社的門口說道。 helmeted firemen were dragging their hoses out of the lobby
頭帶鋼盔的消防隊員正在從旅社的門廊往外拖水龍皮帶。Can we just drive around before we check into a hostel?
在我們到青年旅社登記住宿前,我們可不可以開著車轉一轉呢?A supervised, inexpensive lodging place for travelers, especially young travelers.
n. 大學宿舍;招待所
We found a happy crew of foreign students in the hostel.
我們在青年招待所看到一群快樂的外國留學生。"What a dump!" Christabel said, standing in the doorway of the youth hostel.
“真夠臟亂的!”克麗絲特布爾站在青年旅社的門口說道。 female student hostels, almost became the eonian forbidden zone for boys;
路旁的女生樓,對男生來說,幾乎成為永遠的禁區;Can we just drive around before we check into a hostel?
在我們到青年旅社登記住宿前,我們可不可以開著車轉一轉呢?Go straight down to this Y.W.C.A. hostel and fetch her home!
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