發布時間:2023-08-16 08:29:01來源:互聯網
Her head ached as she looked forward to the dull monotony of life
當她展望自己一生的枯寂時,她感到頭疼。Globalization: object, perspective, horizon
全球化:目標、展望、及視野Forecast of the probable development of sth;outlook
(對發展情況的)預測;展望A bright outlook for trade
商業的光明展望The economic outlook is hazy.
經濟展望一片茫然。The days stretch out in an endless vista.
時日在無窮的展望中延展著。The philosopher looked on ahead to the wants of posterity.
這位哲學家展望將來后世的需求。The theory also outlooked the state that the human nature can achieve.
這一理論也展望了人性所能達到的境界。"To some extent, this has been influenced by experts" views on China"s economic growth."
這與專家對中國經濟展望的看法不無關系。"Looking into the next century, we have set the goal of the realization of the socialist modernization."
n. 觀點;景色;前景,展望
v. 比…好看;展望
China Green Outlook
中國綠色瞭望 outlook all others
比別的都好看 She is very modern in outlook.
她的觀點非常新潮。The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley.
從這所房子可以看到山谷景色優美。She has a very cosmopolitan outlook on life.
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