發布時間:2023-08-09 09:36:04來源:互聯網
drop sharply (e.g. stock prices)
This brought about a heavy slump in prices.
這引起物價猛跌。(of prices, etc)fall(/drop)steeply(/drastically; sharply); slump plummet plunge
猛跌 Prices started a downward plunge.
價格開始猛跌。 Prices started a downward plunge.
價格開始猛跌。 The country watched as stocks fell sharply.
股票猛跌,舉國關注。"Last year, stock prices fell sharply."
"去年,股票價格猛跌."Stocks took a sharp spill in today"s trading.
股票在今天的交易中猛跌。The currencies of these countries collapsed suddenly.
這些國家的貨幣突然猛跌。The stock market"s precipitous drop frightened foreign investors.
股票市場的猛跌嚇壞了國外投資者。Reverberations from the stock market crash were still being felt months later.
v. 落下;降低;垂下;停止;終止;放棄;與…斷絕聯系
n. 落差;球狀糖果;珠,滴;少量
A small amount of liquid;a drop.
少量液體;一滴 low-velocity drop
低速度空投 high velocity drop
adv. 銳利地;急劇地;嚴厲地;明確地
The road curved sharply to the right.
道路有個急轉彎拐向右邊。Dad had braked sharply.
爸爸緊急地剎了車。 The bank sloped down sharply to the river.
n. 股票,股份;庫存;血統;樹干;家畜
v. 囤積,備有,進貨,辦貨
adj. 庫存的;常備的
Dividends for preferred stock underlie those of common stock.
優先股比普通股享有優先分紅權He gambles on the stock exchange.
他從事股票投機。Compendium of Immigrant Stock Data
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