2023-10-13 10:27:18來源:互聯網
An eyewitness account of a crime
目擊者對一罪行的敘述An authentic account by an eyewitness.
一份目擊者的真實證言。He was the only eyewitness of the robbery.
他是那起搶劫案的唯一目擊者。The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony
目擊者否認了先前的證詞。The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony.
目擊者駁斥了早些時提出的證詞。An ocular witness
目擊者an ocular witness
目擊者,見證人The witness fingered to the killer.
目擊者告發了謀殺者 。They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses.
他們偽造證據并威脅目擊者。Some witnesses had testified against him.
n. 目擊者,見證人
The driver"s version of the accident was different from the eyewitness.
那司機對該車禍的描述與目擊者不同。One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays
百聞不如一見Police called the eyewitness about the traffic accident which happened in the street yesterday.
有關昨天街上發生的交通事故,警察調查了目擊者。Eyewitnesses said that the military police still exchanged fires with the attackers last night
目擊者說,軍警到昨天晚間晚間仍在與攻擊者交火。This becomes a difficulty when eyewitness accounts are important for evidence in court trials
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