2023-10-11 09:38:13來源:互聯網
certificate of authorization
commission of authority
power of attoney
聲明及授權書End use authorization
最終使用授權書Authorization from the respective Manufacturer
相應的制造廠授權書The authority is important for a project manager.
授權書對項目經理來說很重要。Legal representative letter of attorney and identity card of agent (copy).
法定代表人授權書及代理人身份證(復印件)。 We need a requisition for a replacement photocopier.
我們需要更換影印機的授權書。The authority shows that he is the lord.
授權書說明了他是領主。A photostat copy of this authorisation shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
此授權書之副本與正本同等有效。Authorization to Book Cremation Session and/or Collect Cremated Ashes
預訂火葬時段及/或領取靈灰授權書A Photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
n. 證明書;執照;憑證,單據;證券;紙幣
v. 發證書給;用證書批準;用證書證明
gold certificate
金幣流通券|金券|金證券 scrap certificate
車輛拆毀證明書 A certificated lawyer.
n. 授權,認可;批準
The authority is not reasonable.
這個判例并不合理。A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly.
一個有權威,使用權利的人,說話很慢。Do you have the balls to challenge authority?
n. 委托;委員會;傭金
v. 委任;委托制作;使服役
Accrued loan commissions: Loan commissions earned but not paid.
應計貸款傭金:已獲但尚未支付的貸款傭金。As commission agents we do business on commission basis.
作為傭金代理商,我們是以傭金為基礎做生意的。There is a sin of omission as well as of commission.
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