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2023-09-28 10:06:32來源:互聯網


童鞋們知道,英語中another 與the other都可以表示“另一個”。那么another與other到底有何區別?請聽小編細細道來……

1. 不定代詞other相當于名詞或形容詞,可以在句中作主語、賓語、定語等。相當于名詞時,有復數形式others。

作主語:He has two toys. One is for me, the other is for himself.

作賓語:I have two pictures. You have seen one. Now I will show you the other.

作定語:There are other ways of helping him out of difficulty.

2. 不定代詞another是由an和other構成,由此可以判定它只能代替或修飾可數的單數名詞,前面不再用冠詞。可以在句中作主語、賓語、表語和定語。

作主語:One (girl) wanted to read, and another wanted to watch TV. 

作賓語:Please give me another.

作表語:She is a fool, and her sister is another.

作定語:Would you like another cup of coffee?

3. 對比other與another

(1)the other 用于兩者中的另一個,another 指三者以上中的另一個:

    He has two toys. One is for me, the other is for himself.    

    All these are not good. Show me another, please.

(2)another 還有 “……” 的意思,other 有 “另外” 的含義:

    Have another cup of coffee, please.  再喝一杯咖啡吧!

    The girl is much cleverer than other three. 這女孩比另外三個都聰明。

(3)修飾數詞的結構不同:數詞+other+復數名詞= another+數詞+復數名詞


    I read two more books this week. =I read two more books this week.

(4)one another 與 each other:兩者均表示“彼此”、“互相”。 

    一般認為,each other 用于兩者間,one another 用于三者或以上,但在現代英語中,兩者常可換用。

    We should always help each other.

    They don’t agree with one another.

另外,童鞋們還要注意,注意:other表泛指,the other 表特指,與其復數others和the others 同理。

相關內容: other和another區別:兩種不同的“另一個” 尚訓網


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