發布時間:2023-08-25 09:53:08來源:互聯網
golden light
The Golden Light that will be diffused throughout all the happy world from the rays of the risen sun of Socialism
高高升起的社會主義的紅日,將射出萬道金光,照遍整個幸福的世界。The golden rays of the rising sun light up the windows.
旭日的燦燦金光照在窗子上。Fair weather cometh out of the north: with God is terrible majesty.
金光出于北方:神那里有可怕的威嚴。 The water sparkled in the blazing sunlight, and there was not a boat in sight
此時毒太陽當空,河水耀著金光,一條游船也沒有。In the shaded light his sandy hair gleamed gold
在燈光的暗影處,他黃色的頭發閃著金光。The golden air was filled with the cooing of doves
金光耀眼的長空中回蕩著鴿子唧唧咕咕的叫聲。The moon hung over the harbor dabbling the waves with gold
"月亮懸掛在港灣上空,給波浪上揮灑金光."I remember its feeble pale gold beams shining through my tears.
我記得它那一點點暗淡的淺金光兒照著我的淚。 Hopefully, the famous-Brand gold necklace, gold Bracelet and gold ring will accompany you glitteringly.
愿這種名牌金項鏈,金手鏈,金戒指,金光燦爛伴你行。Distrusting every light that seemed to gild;The onward path, and feared to overlean
adj. 黃金般的,金色的;珍貴的;金制的
Worship the golden calf
見錢眼開You balked a golden opportunity.
你錯過了一個絕好的機會。Grace wears a tiny golden cross.
格蕾絲戴著一只小小的金十字架。Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
殺雞取卵;竭澤而漁A golden key opens every door
n. 光;光源;燈;點火物;日光;角度,眼光
v. 點,點燃;點著;照亮;用燈光指引
adv. 輕的,輕裝的
adj. 淺色的;輕的;少量的;輕微的;(負擔)輕的;輕盈的,輕快的;清淡的
The torch was lighted.
火炬點亮了。 I"m lost as a light is lost in light.
我如同燈盞迷失在光明里。The saturation and lightness of light also affect our perceptions.
飽和度和亮度也影響到我們的感覺。Ambient light: As the name suggests, this light is present everywhere.
環境光:就如其名所暗示,各處都存在光照。The chamber was ablaze with light.
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