發布時間:2023-08-24 09:15:37來源:互聯網
The officer scanned the battlefield with a binocular.
軍官用雙筒望遠鏡了望戰場。The officer scanned the battlefield with a binocular
這位軍官用雙筒望遠鏡了望戰場。A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout
一個了望員突然發現一座巨大的冰山。We four affectionately watched his back as he stood in the bows looking to seaward
他站在船頭向海上了望時,我們四個人都熱切地朝著他的背影望著。Their eyes met and parted at once, and each resumed his absent-minded staring
他們兩個人的眼光接觸了一下,隨即又分開,各自繼續他們那無目標的了望。NASB:Then the lookout called,
n. 觀察,觀測;評論;言論;意見;監視
We observed the barometer fall. [The barometer was observed to fall.]
我們看見晴雨表下降。Observation is the best teacher.
觀察是最好的老師。They observed the behavior of their new pet.
他們觀察他們新寵物的生活習性。The professor is an acute observer.
那教授是位敏銳的觀察家。This suspect comes under observation.
v. 向下看,瞭望 ;監督;錯過,寬恕,省略
Soldiers oversee the food handouts.
士兵們看管著救濟食品。Government must help oversee this recalibration.
政府必須幫助監督這次調整。I am in charge of overseeing the equipments of the company.
我負責監視公司的設備。UN monitors were sent to oversee the election process.
聯合國核查員被派遣去監督大選的過程。He will now oversee global manufacturing and productivity.
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